Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Just dropping to say hi and enjoy friday's gathering! And remember to post up photos people :)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Junyi and Gina's article: Outstanding Youths Come Together

Guangxi Universities of Nationalities left a deep impression on me during the trip. One interesting thing about Guangxi is that they have many ethnic minorities, thus they have different languages as well as different house structures, full of ethnic flavor. Whilst we were there, the local universitity students specially put on their ethnic costumes for us and explained about the costumes.
This university has a special department for ASEAN languages and law, and the department houses various ASEAN countries' books, as well as giving courses on ASEAN native languages.
The university emphasizes on environmental protection, and is a true blue "green" school with the ecological surroundings.
Chinese culture, ASEAN culture and environmental protection are amongst the themes for this year's youth camp. In just 7 days, the programme hosted 3 cultural nights. Through singing and dancing, we exchanged our culture and closed the gap between all the youths. Chinese students presented different ethnic dances with such grace that we were impressed. Each country brought out their best performances and the elegant costumes with magnificant dances left us all awestruck.
Singapore team sent 17 delegates to sing the folk song "Little Voices from the Heart". This item was well received by all the delegates, and everyone started to sing and hum along without realizing it. The scene at cultural night was really unforgettable.
ASEAN countries' student representatives voiced their opinions about voluntary work in their countries during the discussion session. Someone suggested setting up a ASEAN voluntary site to consolidate ASEAN's efforts in voluntarism.
In this youth camp, we not only learnt about Singaporeans in different areas, we also made friends with other chinese youths as well as ASEAN youths. We realized that even if ASEAN's 10 countries and China have different cultures, languages, and geographical locations, we are part of asia. :)

---end of article---
I bought zaobao only because my conductor mentioned that we have an article inside. Lol. I opened the zaobao paper only to see my fren beside our article! The miss kitty beside our article is my friend :]
Sidenote: hello orange and gayle!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
中国青年准备好了, 我们呢? (China youths are ready, are we?)
At the moment when I was holding the Beijing Olympics torch, I became overwhelmed with pride. Although all we took part in was the torch relay friendly race, in our hands we had the real Olympics torch. The Olympics torch relay team did not pass by Singapore, hence at that instant, we felt that being able to come so close into contact with the torch indeed makes us more fortunate than other Singapore youths.
For the trip, other than coming close into contact with the Olympics torch, another huge rewarding factor is that we had the chance to interact with china's outstanding youths, understand how they prepare themselves for the world, and feel their confidence.
Although our delegates were all youth leaders, and not "big shots" (lol), the ACYF organizing committee still held us in high regard and allowed us to feel extremely at ease. Be it receiving us at the airport or any part of the schedule, there are always people running around to make sure everything is ok, and every last detail is taken care of. Delegates only need to concentrate on attending the activities and need not worry about administrative stuff.
For example, in Fang Cheng Gang, we stayed in a slightly smaller hotel, so services were more limited, but a bunch of volunteers will always be around to help with moving the luggages into the room. When we checked out, there would be volunteers to check each and every room, and they actually found one of our delegates' adaptors which she (me 0_0) had forgotten to pack. They brought it to us just in time before the bus left.
One vietnamese delegate suddenly developed appendicitis during an interview, hence volunteers immediately rushed him/her into a local hospital, and under the doctor's advice, sent him/her on the plane back to Vietnam for an operation. During the whole process, the other activities carried on smoothly, without alarming the other delegates. If not for the vietnamese delegation leader who told us what happened, we wouldn't have known about the incident.
Another countries' delegates lost their return tickets, hence the organizing committee made trips for them and finally settled the matter.
At Fang Cheng Gang, the government prepared a huge stage for china and asean youths to interact through cultural performances. We were untrained "artistes", but under the excellent preparation on their side, the performances went smoothly, and was even broadcasted on their television channels.
Singapore delegate Lawrence Kim said: When we walked past the stage in the afternoon, we saw that it was still rather empty, but after 1-2 hours, all the preparations and decorations for the stage were completed. This showed their efficiency.
That night, the pretty fireworks covered Fang Cheng Gang's skies, participants of China-ASEAN youth camp, together with the last song "We are ready" went crazy, bringing the atmosphere up to its highest with dancing.
We Are Ready这首北京奥运倒计时主题歌,歌词是这么写的:"……
We are ready is the theme song for the 100day countdown to Beijing Olympics, and the lyrics goes like this: Day after day of anticipation, feelings surged, creating a biggest stage, the best of times. This land is ready to open up the path of dreams, let the world's eyes rest on us.... The brillant fireworks are being shot into the air. This race is ready, to bring a smile and ask about you..... (argh the lyrics are difficult to translate)
Any activity will meet hiccups during operation, but China-ASEAN youth camp has let me seen how youths in china face problems with calm and in an orderly fashion, to solve the problems. From these future leaders, I felt their warmth, confidence, maturity. They can very proudly say "we are ready"
However, looking back at ourselves, are we ready? Some singapore delegates reached china only to find that they are lacking in knowledge of china's culture, history and even in the language.
Singapore Management University's Samuel said: We always say that Singaporeans are effectively bilingual, but after coming to china, I realized that my mandarin standard is not up to mark. I may be chinese, but I actually used english to communicate with chinese youths. This makes me feel shameful of myself.
Can singapore still dream of becoming the bridge between china and the world? Just because our english is stronger than others? I'm afraid that's still not enough. On one hand, lots of china youths have already caught up with their fluency in english, on another hand, while interacting with other asean delegates, I felt that fluency in english is not one of the factors for interacting with them.
In china, from time to time I will hear some singapore delegates feeling that they are above other asean delegates because of fluent english. This is a very serious mistake, because friendships forged and bridges built are based from our hearts, and not from the mouths. Even if we all communicate in english, every countries' delegates have different views/opinions on the topics discussed due to the existent cultural differences.
Singapore talks of high expectations, even when speaking in english we have to be fast, but we can speak does not mean that the other party will understand or that they will accept what we've said. But when observing the chinese youths, even though they may not speak as fluently as us, their slower talking, together with a sincere smile, makes it easier for the other asean delegates to understand and accept them.
Whether we treat others sincerely, whether we can have initiative and make the first step, whether we have an EQ high enough to deal with all social situations, these are what our youths do not learn from textbooks. Through activities, I see singapore youths learning day by day, learning to step out of small singapore and learning how to interact and communicate with youths of other culture.
Been doing a little translation work for some stuff lately and it only makes me appreciate chinese all the more :) It's so hard to get the correct degree/level/expressions of the meaning when turning it frm chinese into english! Chinese is awesome =D
Hello everyone!!!!
Haha.. Many many many thumbs up to Joyce for putting up this blog~! And also for translating the newspaper article. :D
I'm damn bored too. Currently having a meeting in school but should be going home soon. Oh, received an email for Shi May about the ASEAN+3 thing. Not sure if I can go 'cause I'll be going for hall camp during that period of time. Haha. Shall see how.
And.... We can all listen to Erick's beautiful vocal here! Whee!
Lastly, its time to plan an outing. How about 26/27th July, meet for dinner? Please indicate your preferred day out of the 2! :D
- swtdream aka Gina (:
Our quite long email thread
Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 1:27 PM
Hi Gina,
Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 1:45 PM
Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 3:03 PM
Hey Guys!!!
haha, so to make sure that this thread gets really long, here is my reply. I went to get Erick's CD today from Sembawang today. Anyone needs help in getting it, can contact me. C=
Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 3:45 PM
Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:13 PM
I think those with not a lot of photos can just send by email or something to Rena? Since she's doing the final compiling!
Well maybe we can have a super fast after-trip gathering to get the rest of the photos :x Have no idea lah!!
Speaking of Sembawang, I just went to Tampines Central today and realized the Sembawang there is gone.. (since don't know when thou).
Will be uploading more photos to facebook soon!!! (will the rest just get a facebook acct so that I can tag everyone? LOL!)
p.s. Gina, that shot is really NOT unglam!!!!!
Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:18 PM
*edits: my reply email was just sent to gina -.- so gina pls ignore the other reply which is the same!!
**edits: just read angeline's final debrief and oh to update on the eye, I went for a follow up this morning (65 bucks gone ): ) and I STILL HAVE TO GO BACK!!! Doc says something about a few bubbles on the surface of the eye which I can't exactly understand and says I have to put some ointment for the next 6 weeks.. Other than that I'm pretty much fine.. He said if I don't agitate the eye it will be fine..
Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 3:32 PM
Hey guys,
i found this pic on some Webbie. haha. maybe ur can try to google for more. haha. it is the last pose for Erick's last song. C=
Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 3:02 PM
ol take care hong chuan and joyce! the rest of you as well! i'll post the video i have of erick singing on facebook or wat soon.. jie yim is the cd good? haha i was thinking of getting erick's cd too! lets wipe out the remaining ones he has hahaha then he has to treat us dinner in return! lol..
I've joined the alumni of china asean youth group on facebook.. the rest of u can add me at for facebook and for msn! look forward to seeing u all again soon! cheers!!!! ;)
Mira Loh Hui Min
Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 1:38 AM
Hi all,
How are you? It has been a while we have not heard from one another as a group. Some of you seems totally disappeared, :-) while some of you were busy discussing HUNGRILA concept, some were on vacation, some were busy chasing revenue and some were like me work and work and work.
Anyway, I would like to thank you for your well wishes via email, SMS and phone call. Just to update, I have recovered from my "injury" and I am able to walk normally even though I still feel hurt on the spot if I press on it. Indeed yesterday night I went for a 2.4km run and it went well. Having said that, I can "FLY" again... Ha ha ha....
O, by the way, Angeline wrote a very good article regarding the China-ASEAN Youth Camp published on 5th July 08. The tile is "中国青年准备好了, 我们呢?". In English translation, "China's Youths are Ready and How About Our Youths?" I hope you have a chance to read it.
If you need the hard copy, I can pass it to you. Angeline, you may want to send them the URL as the article was a bit large to scan in as softcopy. If you need any English translation, please make an appointment and I will call you via phone if time permit.
Also I read from previous email that many of you went to purchase Erick's album. How is it? Erick, this also means that I have not gotten your CD yet as I don’t even have time to walk into a CD shop. I am just being honest here. :-)
Best regards,
Hong Chuang
Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:12 AM
Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 3:08 AM
Wah Hong Chuang!
To reply to this email thread at 1.39am.. You must be seriously busy :\ Glad to hear that you're well :]
Googling the news article is relatively easy to find out any url 'coz lots of china news sites have the article! One of them is:
Let me put up the original article here and do the translation since I think I'm like, very free :o But my translation skills are not that good huh! Get the basic idea can le lah.. :p
(article in another post)
Phew done. Good night ppl and have a good time reading the article :]
p.s. thanks Gina for the mental support, huh. *lol
Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 9:06 AM
Dear All,
Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 1:10 AM
Hey All,
Yes. Thanks Joyce for the translation and pasting the article in the thread. Nice article. I can totally imagine Lawrence speaking with his unique accent.
Hong Chuang, great to know that you are back and alive now. =P Was just talking to Rena about you when I was in NYC office last week. We were wondering if you are better now. Please do take care!
And poor Rena..I've been seeing her at her desk, busy doing all the reports.
Hope to catch up at our upcoming gathering! Take care everyone!
Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:33 AM
Time to confess what happened. LOL. Hong Chuang, I accidentally had you off the list when I replied with the article, so I just bcc-ed you with the article while the guys are still in the main thread.. I forgot the fact that replying to all emails from the main thread will mean that you will not receive replies. :\ paiseh!
Anthing, just check http://china-aseanyouthcamp.
Is outing set on 25th? Some ppl seems to be fine with 27th as well.. :o
Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 11:24 PM
Hi folks,
How's everyone?
I went to Beijing recently and met up n had dinner with Liu Kai, Yao Zhanhong and Wang Weizhong who are based in Beijing, and also Liao Liyong who happened to be there from Guangxi with a group of volunteers for the Olympics.
Of course I had to ask them about what happened to all the interviews in Guangxi. They said they will try to pass the clippings to me, but well, since some of them were flying of to Pakistan for youth exchange the next day, i guess we have to wait quite a while.
I managed to google a number of articles. Hey, we even appeared in a Thailand chinese newspaper which picked up the story from Guangxi news. Haha...
Anyway, here's the load of articles. Articles are alternated in blue and black colour for easier reading. Sorry all in Chinese. Joyce dear, are you able to help translate???? =P Thank you very much.
Meanwhile, some of our photos can be found on
This is a very long article by Mr Lim, who brought us to play fireworks.
(Hong Chuang was quoted in this article too)
OK, whoever's more tech savvy, can someone also pls upload some of these to facebook to share with our ASEAN friends? coz they r quoted in some of the articles too, esp the long article by Mr Lim.
Have fun reading!
There's some birthdays coming up in November. Want to meet up for karaoke again????
Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:13 AM
I'll try!! Am not so free as the last time I translated those articles, but still I can do them slowly =D I'll upload the photos to the album that I've already created!
::music is the only sensual pleasure without vice ::
First post up!
I admit, being jobless has made me very bored during the daytime. :\ I was rereading the email thread just now and I thought, wouldn't it be cool to just have a site so that we don't have to refer back and stuff? 5 minutes later this was created =D
Will be posting up the stuff here! :)
p.s. appleseed is joyce here.